[서울도심등산관광] [FOLLOW EVENT] What is HIKING to you? > 이벤트응모

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작문/댓글 • [서울도심등산관광] [FOLLOW EVENT] What is HIKING to you?


2023-07-13 15:25 • 조회 786회
두근두근 당첨자 발표정보

발표링크 : 당첨자발표 확인하기
등록회원 : 서눙

발표등록일 : 2023-07-26 정정신청




What is HIKING to you?

For someone, hiking is an opportunity to explore nature, challenge ourselves, and disconnect from the stress of everyday life. We want to hear from you🙌

Share your thoughts on what HIKING means to you in the comments below! 🌲🏞️🌿

✅ How to participate
1️⃣ Follow Seoul Hiking Tourism account😊(@seoulhikingtourism_official)
2️⃣ Leave your thoughts and the prize you would like to win in the comment below.
ex) Hiking is an amazing way to connect with nature! I would love to win an Amazon gift card. #SeoulHikingTourism
3️⃣ If you share this post on Instagram Stories or tag a friend in the comments, your chances of winning go up!

✅ Prizes
AMAZON GIFT CARD 10$ (20 people, overseas) or
Baskin Robbins Pint (30 people. Korea residents)

✅ Event Period
July 13, 2023 (THU) - July 20, 2023 (THU)

✅ Winners Announcement
July 25, 2023 (TUE), via personalized DM


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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    - 당첨자발표를 확인할 수 있는 링크를 등록해주세요.

    - 발표와 무관한 링크는 삭제되며 슈투머니도 회수됩니다.

    - 개별통보시 메모란에 당첨문자 수령일자도 함께 기재해주세요.

    - 인스타&페이스북은 직접 DM받으신 경우에만 개별통보 체크해주세요.

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    당첨확인에 도움이 되는 메모를 남겨주세요.
